
BITs (Bussiness Information Tracking System)

Welcome to our BITs (Bussiness Information Tracking System), a powerful tool designed to streamline and integrate your business processes, making operations more efficient and effective. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our ERP solution is tailored to meet your unique needs and propel your business forward.

We are committed to delivering high-quality software and exceptional customer service. Our team of experienced developers, consultants, and support staff will work closely with you to understand your business needs and ensure a seamless implementation process. With our BITs system, you can future-proof your business and stay ahead of the competition.

What is BITS?

An ERP system, comprehensive suite of integrated applications that manage core business processes such as finance, human resources, procurement, inventory, manufacturing, sales, and customer relationship management. By centralizing data and automating workflows, provides real-time insights, enhances collaboration, and enables informed decision-making across all levels of your organization.

Key Features

Analysis Made Easy, Run your business more efficiently

Unified Platform:

BITS offers a centralized platform where all departments can access and share data in real-time, eliminating silos and promoting collaboration.


We understand that every business is unique. That's why our ERP system is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor workflows, reports, and dashboards to suit your specific requirements.


Whether your business is experiencing rapid growth or seasonal fluctuations, our ERP system scales effortlessly to accommodate your changing needs.

Advanced Analytics:

Gain valuable insights into your business performance with built-in analytics and reporting tools. Identify trends, forecast demand, and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Mobile Accessibility:

Access critical business information anytime, anywhere, with our mobile-friendly ERP system. Stay connected and productive on the go, whether you're in the office, on-site, or traveling.


Benefits of Our BITS

Increased Efficiency:

Streamline your business processes and eliminate manual tasks with automation, reducing errors and saving time.

Improved Visibility:

Gain a holistic view of your business operations with real-time data insights. Identify bottlenecks, track performance, and make informed decisions faster.

Enhanced Collaboration:

Break down departmental barriers and foster collaboration across your organization with centralized data and communication tools.

Better Customer Service:

Deliver exceptional customer experiences by providing your team with the tools they need to deliver timely, personalized service.

Cost Savings:

Optimize resources, minimize waste, and reduce operational costs with improved efficiency and resource allocation.

Modules we are offering
